Audit & Governance Committee - Tuesday 23 July 2024, 7:00pm - St Albans Webcasting

Audit & Governance Committee
Tuesday, 23rd July 2024 at 7:00pm 









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  1. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Sarah Haythorpe - Senior Democratic Services Officer
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
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  1. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  2. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  3. Cllr John Galvin
  4. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  5. Cllr John Galvin
  6. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  7. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  8. Cllr Mike Hobday
  9. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  10. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  11. Cllr Mike Hobday
  12. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Chris Paisley- KPMG
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  4. Chris Paisley- KPMG
  5. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  6. Sarah Haythorpe - Senior Democratic Services Officer
  7. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  8. Chris Paisley- KPMG
  9. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  10. Chris Paisley- KPMG
  11. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  12. Cllr Mike Hobday
  13. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  14. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  15. Cllr Mike Hobday
  16. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  17. Cllr Ed Moore
  18. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  19. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  20. Cllr Joanna Meaden
  21. Chris Paisley- KPMG
  22. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  23. Cllr Joanna Meaden
  24. Linda Parker- Assistant Director Finance (Deputy 151)
  25. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  26. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  27. Cllr Keith Cotton
  28. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  29. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  30. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  31. Vote
  32. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Judith Adamson
  2. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  3. Judith Adamson
  4. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  5. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  6. Cllr Ed Moore
  7. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  8. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  9. Cllr Ed Moore
  10. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  11. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  12. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  13. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  14. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  15. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  16. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  17. Cllr Mike Hobday
  18. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  19. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  20. Cllr Mike Hobday
  21. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  22. Vote
  23. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr Gill Haynes
  4. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  5. Cllr Ed Moore
  6. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  7. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  8. Vote
  9. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr John Galvin
  4. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  5. Vote
  6. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr John Galvin
  4. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  5. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  6. Cllr Ed Moore
  7. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  8. Judith Adamson
  9. Cllr Ed Moore
  10. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  11. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  12. Vote
  13. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr Ed Moore
  4. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  5. Cllr Mike Hobday
  6. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  7. Cllr Mike Hobday
  8. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  9. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  10. Cllr Terrie Smith
  11. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  12. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  13. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  14. Cllr Keith Cotton
  15. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  16. Cllr Mike Hobday
  17. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  18. Cllr Mike Hobday
  19. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  20. Cllr Mike Hobday
  21. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  22. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  23. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  24. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  25. Cllr Terrie Smith
  26. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  27. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  28. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  29. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  30. Cllr Ed Moore
  31. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  32. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  33. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  34. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  35. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  36. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  37. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  38. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  39. Cllr Mike Hobday
  40. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  41. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  42. Cllr Ed Moore
  43. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  44. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  45. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  46. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  47. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  48. Cllr Gill Haynes
  49. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  50. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  51. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  52. Cllr Mike Hobday
  53. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  54. Cllr Mike Hobday
  55. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  56. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  57. Cllr Ed Moore
  58. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  59. Cllr John Galvin
  60. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  61. Cllr Simon Mostyn - Vice Chair
  62. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  63. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  64. Cllr Ed Moore
  65. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  66. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  67. Cllr John Galvin
  68. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  69. Cllr Mike Hobday
  70. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  71. Cllr Mike Hobday
  72. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  73. Cllr John Galvin
  74. Cllr Keith Cotton
  75. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  76. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  77. Cllr Ed Moore
  78. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  79. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Sarah Marsh - Interim Head of Internal Audit (Shared Service)
  2. Sally-Anne Pearcey - Senior Internal Auditor
  3. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  4. Cllr Ed Moore
  5. Sally-Anne Pearcey - Senior Internal Auditor
  6. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  7. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  8. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  9. Cllr John Galvin
  10. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  11. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  2. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  3. Cllr Mike Hobday
  4. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
  5. Suzanne Jones - Strategic Director & Section 151 Officer
  6. Jonathan Flowers - Independent Chair of Audit Committee
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  1. Webcast Finished
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